Clotrimazole: A Potential Weapon Against Fungal Fish Diseases
Our center continues its series of scientific activities with a workshop on "Using Clotrimazole in Treating Some Fish Diseases." Led by lecturer Muhammad Enad Ghazwan from the Department of ichthology Sciences, the workshop explored the potential of this antifungal medication. What is Clotrimazole? Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal medication commonly used to treat skin infections in...
A Workshop Organized by the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences
The Department of Animal Production at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit, organized a workshop entitled "Community Destruction in a Drug Capsule." The lecture was delivered by Dr. Asaad Khalef Mohammed. The lecture aimed to identify the reasons for the spread of narcotic drugs in Iraq, the drugs that...